Task 7: Design and Implementation Plans for Marine Coastal Initiative (IPMCI)



Based on the findings from the Tasks described above, the team will design comprehensive Implementation Plans for Marine Coastal Initiative (IPMCI). The Implementation Plans will, at minimum, include provisions for:

1) Environmental monitoring of the water column and benthic habitats along the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf coastlines.  The monitoring programme will be compliant with the requirements of ISO 17025.  A data management structure will accompany the monitoring programme.  For the monitoring network, the team will prepare a detailed CAPEX and OPEX plan and proposed rollout schedule. 

2) An oil spill response infrastructure and operational framework whose purpose will be to provide the operating parameters and infrastructure to contain contamination incidents. This will include updating, based on the gap analysis identified previously, the national Emergency Response Against Marine Pollution plan.  In the event that additional infrastructure is needed to implement the Emergency Response Plan and Early Warning Centre, the team will provide clear recommendations as to the requirements.

3) A Maritime Waste Management Preparatory Action plan to regulate the handling and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous, liquid or solid, waste generated by various maritime activities. The team will prepare a plan that provides clear guidance as to the institutional structures, infrastructure requirements and management plans that are required.

4) Design of an Environmental Scheme aimed at providing a mechanism to value ecosystem services in the marine environment to be implemented through a regulatory system. The Environmental Compensation Scheme will consider how revenues generated through the implementation could be used for restoration and/or remediation projects.